Tuesday, 28 August 2007

Anchor mud as a means of foraminifera collection

This is a picture of a Spade anchor being used to collect raw mud from Poole Harbour sites. The resultant material must then be washed through 500micron sieves to eliminate weed and then collected in a 100 micron sieve which holds the forams. If you need the finer types a 60 micron sieve is better but of course much slower.

Although anchor mud gathering is thought to be a system preferred by the very first sailing ships before elaborate dredges were inventd, its very suitable for the amateur as it does not need to be purchased. An anchor generally comes with the boat. The use of the anchor has considerably increased the numbers of inshore species in my collection.The Image was kindly taken by the owner and skipper of the good ship "More Hopeful" which is moored on the southern edge of Poole harbour.